Heaven Scent Flower Company
Everyone Loves Flowers
4808 Citrus Colony Road Loomis, CA 95650

Same day deliveries are available most days.
Our local delivery fee of $15.00 will be added to each order.
We cannot guarantee timed deliveries, except funerals and events without a $25.00 additional fee.
Holiday deliveries to offices and businesses will be made between 8 am to 5 pm unless the additional timed delivery fee is paid.. Please understand the additional fee will make your deliver a priority but there are still circumstances such as traffic and wrong delivery information that may cause minor delays.
Sunday deliveries are available.
Delivery to cemeteries must be made before 4PM or will have to be delivered the following day.
We do not deliver flowers to hospitals unless we can deliver to the lobby and hospital staff takes the flowers to the patients room.
To ensure delivery to rural route addresses, please provide a contact phone number for recipient.